Relax and Revive Massage
Massage = Wellness

Massage Tips


Pre-Massage: If possible, bathe/shower prior to your session. If you warm the body with a shower or bath, it will start the relaxation process.

Please refrain from wearing cologne, perfume or sunless tanning products the day of your massage. If you smoke, please DO NOT smoke before your session. (I retain the right to refuse service to any client who does not comply with this request.)

A health History Form is required. On this form, please note any medical conditions which are contraindicative to massage. (Massage cannot be performed if you have the following conditions.) Examples are high blood pressure (not treated), diabetes (not under control), cold/flu, active infections. All conditions need to be listed so that I can modify your session. I will spend a few minutes going over the form and getting information about what you would like to accomplish from the session, i.e. relaxation, stress relief, pain relief, etc.

You may undress to your comfort level, keeping in mind the areas that will addressed during the session.

Please silence your electronic devices, including your phone

Remove all jewelry, watches, fitbits, eyeglasses, etc.

During Massage: Soothing music is used to facilitate relaxation. Please tell me if you feel any discomfort during the session. (I do not like to go above a 7 on a pain scale of 1 to 10.)

Please don’t remove the drape, VA law requires draping at all times. I will only remove the drape for the portion of the body being worked with.

It is OK to nap! I will instruct you when it is time to turn over.

It is important to keep warm and stay relaxed.

Post Massage: Drink plenty of liquids after your session. Water, soup, juices, etc. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeinated beverages which will dehydrate your body.

If sore from deeper work, Ice the area for a day or two.

Avoid strenuous workouts for 24 to 48 hours, so the body can recover from your session.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. (804) 248-1873

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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